Article 2 - Project 1

English 101

Ryan Edel — Post 9/3/2020

Again, 300 words with three sources in the Works Cited page.  Be sure that you're quoting your sources while also describing them.

For this one, it's largely a repeat of the prior assignment, but with three new sources and a somewhat different focus.  As they say, practice makes perfect . . . and more writing makes you a better writer. It’s impossible for anyone to write a perfect rhetorical analysis, and so it’s important to do this process multiple times to become better at it. Also, note that this style of rhetorical analysis is very likely new for you — with each article, you’ll get better at it.

With today's article, you're going to do a rhetorical analysis of your multimodal sources.  Here, pay particular attention to which modes are being used.  For example, if you text a friend saying "hey, i got questions bout this topic i'm writing for english 101," your friend might write back "lol.  where da caps, dude?  don't you know how to capitalize?  :p"

Yes — you could quote that in your research.  You could write something like the following:

Again, use Purdue OWL to make sure you're citing your sources correctly.